01472 237772

Yarborough Academy, Yarrow Road, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN34 4JU Click here to email us >> Secure area login >>


Home Learning

Home Learning takes the form of weekly newsletters, where the teacher will inform parents of the learning that has taken place that week and what learning they would like the children to do at home.

This may be to consolidate something they have been doing that week or to prepare them for some learning that will begin next week. They may include tasks, activities, discussions, games and website links that are linked to current learning. They may be also used to prepare, consolidate or deepen learning.

Homework Policy


At Yarborough Academy we recognise that our children work extremely hard during their time in school. We also recognise that children need leisure time, have their own interests and should be able to take part in after school activities and get a good night's sleep in order to develop fully.

It is with this in mind that there should be a balance of home learning with leisure and family time to fully benefit the child and not place onerous demands on the children and their parents.


  • To encourage children to share and enjoy their learning with parents and carers;
  • To encourage parents and carers to become involved with their child's learning;
  • To improve the quality of the learning experience offered to pupils and to extend it beyond the classroom environment in a fun and enjoyable way;
  • To reinforce learning that has been taught in school;
  • To encourage creativity, imagination and fun in the tasks that are set;
  • To encourage self-discipline and independent learning as the children take responsibility for their learning;
  • To allow children's learning, enthusiasm and passion to flourish at home through talking about and involving people in their lives that are not linked to school.


Weekly newsletters

Every Friday a newsletter will be uploaded onto Google Classroom and sent via ParentMail. This includes information about what the children have learnt that week, an Activity Menu and any important reminders.

 Teachers will go through the newsletter with the children on Friday of each week to ensure all children understand the tasks and activities and answer any questions the children may have.

 The purpose of communicating the learning during that week is so that parents are aware of their child's learning and it can provide a starting point for discussions about the week. Although this isn't 'set' homework, we feel that this is invaluable in extending children's learning; being able to explain and reflect upon their learning outside of the classroom environment. If any parents want their child to have more homework, it is here that can give ideas of any follow up and consolidation that you want to complete.

 The Activity Menu sets ideas for home learning tasks. They could be linked to a particular subject or maybe a creative, physical or practical task. Four will be set each week for the children to choose from – remember it is about extending their enjoyment, not a chore. If a teacher really wants the children to complete a particular task (for example, it will help them with upcoming work in class) then a ‘priority task’ icon will be used. This will more likely to be used further up the school and especially in Year 6. If there are any links to websites, videos, reading materials, worksheets etc. they will be uploaded onto Google Classroom.

 Activity Menu Headings

Get Reading

Get Writing

Get Spelling

Get Grammatical

Get Researching

Get Debating

Get Talking

Get Acting

Get Mathematical

Get Counting

Get Scientific

Get Inventing

Get Geographical

Get Historical

Get Religious

Get Computing

Get Speaking French

Get Cultural

Get Singing

Get Pretending

Get Designing

Get Artistic

Get Crafty

Get Creative

Get Physical

Get Fit

Get Playing

Get Dancing

Get Gardening

Get Cooking

Get Baking

Get Making

Get Helping

Get Prepared

Get Practicing

Get Imaginative

Get Mindful

Get Happy

Get Sharing

Get Together


The reminder section might be used for upcoming events, reading reminders, notices etc.

Tuesday’s Community Meeting will be dedicated to sharing the content uploaded by the children on Google Classroom as well as anything brought in by the children. Children are also welcomed to upload evidence of any other activities they do outside of school to share on Google Classroom. All these efforts will be celebrated with the whole class.


We encourage children to read daily and reading for pleasure is valued at all times. All children have a reading book to take home as well as access to online reading platforms. Reading tasks may also be set on the weekly newsletter. We encourage parents to support their children with reading by discussing the books and asking questions to ensure there is an understanding of their book as well as accurate reading.

Comprehension tasks may also be set to build the fluency of reading with understanding as well as to prepare the children for reading tests at their appropriate age.


In Foundation Stage Two and Key Stage One, children will be given books to read which follow our Read Write Inc. scheme. Within the reading books, there will be lists of green and red words which will support the speed sound set that your child is currently working on, as well as specific story words which will challenge their phonic ability and develop their fluency and accuracy of reading.

Phonics tasks and games may also be set on Google Classroom. 


In Key Stage Two, the majority of children follow the Read Write Inc. spelling scheme. When a unit of work is complete, the spelling rule and words learnt will be put onto Google Classroom by their spelling teacher, so that the children can continue to practice. Specific activities to consolidate their knowledge of the spelling rule may also be set. Research has shown that giving lists of spellings to memorise does not teach children how to spell. This is why we take the approach of learning and understanding the rules so that the children can apply their spelling knowledge across the curriculum and not just in a test.


Yarborough Academy subscribe to My Maths where all children can complete activities set by their teacher. These will be set on the newsletter, to consolidate the learning from that week. However, the children can complete as many activities as they want to build their maths fluency and confidence. Teachers monitor the children's accounts and set work in class accordingly to help children with any areas that need further work.

Practicing times tables is extremely important and having instant recall of all facts up to 12x12 by the end of year 4 is the expected standard. This instant recall helps children be successful in many other areas of mathematics. Class Rock Star sessions are held where timed paper versions are used. For home, children from Year 3 have access to the online Times Tables Rock Stars where children can compete with themselves and other children to answer times table questions as quickly as possible. Again, this is closely monitored by the teachers and targeted work for individuals within the studio can be set.

Own interest

The project based learning curriculum at Yarborough is designed to raise engagement in learning. Therefore the children are encouraged to engage in free choice homework activities when their lessons have inspired them to continue their learning at home. Also, we would welcome seeing children’s other interests and passions individual to them as well as clubs and groups they are involved in.


YA subscribed websites:

www.ttrockstars.com – Times Tables Rock Stars – children have own log in.

www.mymaths.co.uk – My Maths – children have own log in.

www.oxfordowl.co.uk – Reading – class log in.

www.duolingo.com  – French – children have own log in.


A large amount of home learning at Yarborough Academy is Technology based as this is a way of life for primary aged children. If any child does not have access to the Internet at home, then opportunities will be provided for children to complete the work during the school day. If this applies to anyone, please inform the Academy.

Children with Special Educational Needs who have Personalised Learning Plans may receive homework personal to them via their teacher or teaching assistant.

If children struggle with any tasks set, they are encouraged to tell the teacher who will find time to help them understand the task.

Children will not be punished for not completing Home Learning activities. They will be encouraged by school and we ask parents to also encourage their children. Effort will be celebrated and recognised in many different ways including within the class, displays, GLO stickers, GLO postcards home and GLO MO nominations.


Policy written: Summer 2021

Policy review: Summer 2022

Policy written by: Deputy Head Teacher


 David's signature

Date: 20/07/2021


evidence wall Children were asked to create a model Y6 classroom in order to make a working burglar alarm for the Crime project