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About Our Academy
Child Protection and Safeguarding at Yarborough Academy
The safety and well-being of our children is paramount to us at Yarborough Academy.
Every child has the right to feel happy, healthy, safe and secure.
All members of the academy, both teaching and non-teaching, have the pastoral responsibility for the children in their care. Liaising closely with the Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher and Learning Mentors, whose responsibilities include that of Safeguarding children, they will ensure that any child who gives cause for concern will be helped in an appropriate manner.
All child protection concerns and referrals will be handled professionally in a sensitive, child centred manner which supports the needs of the child.
At Yarborough Academy we will:
Provide a safe environment in which children can learn.
Identify the risks in our school, community and beyond and be pro-active to safeguard everyone.
Establish and maintain an ethos where children feel secure and are encouraged to talk, and are listened to.
Ensure that children know that there are adults in the school who they can approach if they are worried or are in difficulty.
Respond appropriately and sensitively to any concerns.
Include in the curriculum activities and opportunities for PSHE / Citizenship which equip children with the skills they need to stay safe, promote their well-being, self-esteem, confidence and independence, and to make accurate assessments of risk they could encounter.
Include in the curriculum, the promotion of the British Values and our Academy Values.
Provide children with the necessary knowledge and skills to build relationships based on mutual respect and mutual understanding, with shared power and a commitment to a non-violent relationships.
Ensure correct procedures are followed when safeguarding and protecting children, taking into account government documentation, North East Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NELSCP) Guidelines and Procedures and school policies..
Identify, report and monitor concerns and work closely with parents/carers and other professional agencies to work towards positive outcomes.
Ensure governors, teachers and other school staff understand their responsibility, are accountable for the way in which they exercise authority, manage risk, use resources and protect children from discrimination and avoidable harm.
Ensure all staff are suitably trained in child protection, are aware of their responsibilities and can respond appropriately in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our pupils. This includes how to recognise and respond to situations where a child may be considered to be at risk as well as procedures to follow and appropriate record keeping.
Follow safer recruitment guidelines when recruiting staff and volunteers, ensuring all pre-employment checks are complete and satisfactory.
Ensure that all children have equal opportunities regardless of their circumstances and backgrounds. Everything will be fair and non-discriminatory, following the Single Equality Act 2010.
If you have any concerns regarding the safety or welfare of a child at Yarborough Academy, please contact either Mrs Cox (Safeguarding Coordinator), Miss Waters (Learning Mentor) or Mrs Albery (Headteacher) immediately.
More useful information can be found by at https://www.safernel.co.uk/