01472 237772
About Our Academy
Individual liberty
Every child has the right to feel safe and children are taught about seeking help, talking to adults and resolving issues.
Our behaviour policy encourages every child to feel safe and children are taught about seeking help, talking to adults and resolving issues. We actively support all pupils to develop their self knowledge, self esteem and self confidence and to take responsibility for their own behaviour. Pupils are actively encouraged to make choices in a supportive and safe environment. In class, pupils can make choices about the level of challenge they need to improve their learning, and the feedback provided is individualised to enable progress.
There are a wide range of extra-curricular clubs available to all children, which enable children to try new things, develop new skills and practise existing ones. One of our ‘secrets of success’ is to try new things and this is rewarded through our Passport scheme. We take time to understand each child as an individual through pupil progress meetings, individual behaviour plans where appropriate and additional needs provision if required. Children are encouraged at an early age to take on individual responsibility, such as jobs in the class room, having responsibility in the Academy office or library, or supporting peers at break and lunch.