01472 237772

Yarborough Academy, Yarrow Road, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN34 4JU Click here to email us >> Secure area login >>

About Our Academy

Key Stage Two result information 2018/2019

These are the latest published results due to the pandemic.

Average progress scores:
Progress scores will be centred around 0, with most schools within the range of -5 to +5.

- A score of 0 means pupils in this school on average do about as well at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.

- A positive score means pupils in this school on average do better at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally. 

- A negative score means pupils in this school on average do worse at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.

Our progress:

Reading +0.39

Writing +1.21

Maths +1.49

Average scaled scores:

Pupils scoring at least 100 will have met the expected standard on the test.

Our reading average scaled scores:
Reading: 104
Maths: 106


Percentage of cohort achieving expected standard:


Reading: 78%

Writing: 85%

Maths: 82%

Combined: 76%


Percentage of cohort achieving higher level of attainment:


Reading: 29%

Writing: 18%

Maths: 29%

Combined: 11%